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We have spent the last 3 years continuously adjusting to exceptional and ever-changing circumstances. Covid-19 has affected people's lives all over the world. Whether we have experienced Covid-19 directly or have been impacted by various restrictions aimed at reducing the spread of the virus, 2020 to 2022 are likely to have left us with an under-current of distress. 

It is very common to experience feelings of stress, anxiety, depression, anger, hopelessness, guilt or shame during this time. Even with the best of intentions, it can be difficult to feel positive and hopeful for the future with so much uncertainty. It can be frustrating to put in lots of effort to keep ourselves balanced and healthy, only to be confronted with more bad news. Sometimes, this can trigger some of our underlying anxieties and stressors that we have been able to avoid, compounding the negative effects this might have on our mental health. 

Psychotherapy can help to manage and release some of the feelings we are experiencing, make sense of what is going on, evaluate our priorities and needs, and create a tower of resilience for ourselves. Whether it's a check-in, a space to leave our emotions, or support for re-organizing our lives, therapy can be a tool to lean on to help us successfully navigate these challenging times. 

  • Stress

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Loss

Standard Session - 50 minutes ​

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