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Updated: Mar 3, 2022

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom (Viktor Frankl). 

Frankl was an Austrian psychiatrist who survived the horrors of the Holocaust. He grounded many of his later theories in the understanding that not being able to change our circumstances does not make us helpless. Instead, we can make the choice to change our responses to these circumstances, empowering us even in the worst of situations.  

Mindfulness builds on this understanding. Mindfulness is being attentive to the present moment without judgment. We become a calm observer even amid chaos. This does not mean we numb or suppress our emotions. Rather we watch our emotions arise and decide how to engage with them, and whether to act on them.  

Mindfulness is not an activity; we can be mindful at any time. When we are doing dishes, we can focus on the temperature of the water, the feeling of the soap on our hands, the sound of the splashing, the sensation of our movements, the shine of our plates. Focusing on our task at hand, keeps our mind the present and leaves no room for anxiety about the past or future. It allows us to fully immerse ourselves in every task we do. This strengthens our attention and calms our mind as we don’t have to jump around from thought to thought.  

Dishes is just one example. You can practice mindfulness in the shower, commuting to work, listening to music, exercising, having a conversation – any time of day. It’s just about attending to the moment with your full awareness. Practice a kind of curiosity about every aspect of the moment. 

We only get every moment once in life, so isn’t it worthwhile truly living it? To find out more how mindfulness can apply to your specific circumstances and learn some techniques to calm your heart and mind, book a consultation with psychologist in Hong Kong Dr. Terrighena on (852) 2521 4668 or

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