Psychologist DR. ESSLIN TERRIGHENA shares on how trauma therapy can help to resolve symptoms and recover from trauma.
Both Big T and little t can be effectively resolved through trauma-specific therapy. We cannot solely “think” our way out of trauma as traumatic experiences elicit cascades of reactions within us that for the most part are not cognitive. When subsequently a situation triggers our trauma reaction, we may experience heart-racing, fear, and the urge to escape. Telling ourselves that everything will be okay can help to soothe the cognitive part of our trauma response; however, it is usually less impactful on our sweaty palms and dilated pupils.
In order to resolve emotional and physiological elements of our trauma, we need to address these reactions on emotional and physiological levels. Trauma therapy does exactly this: it treats trauma as a holistic reaction that requires healing at all four levels (cognitive, emotional, physiological, and behavioural).
Working through trauma can be challenging. The traumatic incident was highly distressing when it initially occurred, and facing the convoluted ball of trauma that it left can feel overwhelming and terrifying. However, trauma therapy can guide you at your own pace and support you in both making sense of what happened and organizing your thoughts around the experience, as well as permitting healthy processing of some of the stuck emotional and physical reactions.
If you missed the last article on what trauma is and the difference between Big T and little t trauma, check it out here. To find out more about how trauma psychotherapy can help you recover from past trauma, book a consultation with psychologist Dr. Esslin Terrighena, please contact (852) 2521 4668 or
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